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From the Stygian pits, we play, we fall. We welcome you now, to the end of it all.
— Tagline from the trailer of the game.

SMS: Evolutions is an indie survival horror game and a remake of the first installment of the 123 Slaughter Me Street series created by Nate Sanders. No release date has been announced as of now.


The game is a remake of the original game, with updated graphics and more characters. As seen in the trailer, the originally-scrapped Hunter makes an appearance, and the Nightmare seems to be a threat that will likely appear in the final level. Additionally, animation streams showcased a 3D model of a hand puppet called Gomez, though it is unconfirmed what his role will be.


Like the original game, the player's goal is to survive and escape the abandoned apartment complex from the puppets, which lurk in the corridors. On each floor, the player must walk forward to reach the door in end of the hallway, which leads the player carefully down the stairs and completes the floor. Along the way, the player may encounter the enemy puppets, which they can presumably deal with via their flashlight, as well as other potential unconfirmed mechanics seen in teasers.




  • The original trailer features the Nightmare and the Hunter with a more prominent role in the gameplay compared to the game Evolutions is remaking as active antagonists.
    • This marks possibly the first time the Hunter has actually been seen in gameplay as a antagonist compared to being referenced on the "Foggle Friends" poster or as a collectable coin in SMS 2.
    • This also gives the Nightmare possibly a more antagonistic role than his appearance in the first game where the puppet simply appeared at the end of a cutscene in the original SMS.
    • Interestingly enough, also featured in the trailer was a Pink Follower. An Easter egg that originated from Slaughter Me Street Retro.
  • During development, at some point after the first trailer showing off the gameplay and characters, the puppet's models were scrapped and replaced with newer models that redesigned the puppets.
    • Some of these models can be seen being animated by Addison Debolt on Twitch.
    • It was also here that the puppets were given names: Wollof (Follower), Egret (Greeter), Walter (Waiter), Henry (Hunter), and Gomez.
  • In the original trailer, there are elements that are not confirmed to be returning now that there are new models for the games among these are:
    • Carboard cutouts of Follower, Greeter, and Waiter. It is unknown what their purpose might've been, although there is speculation that they would've been used for a tutorial, but this is largely unconfirmed.
    • Burned versions of the puppet cast that seem to appear near the end of the game where the building catches fire. These variants just have the models missing parts of their suit showing thin metal wires that would presumably hold the shape of the costume. The intention of this was to quash any ideas that the suits were being worn by other humans, thus nothing but the wires are inside of them.
The Series
Main series 123 Slaughter Me Street123 Slaughter Me Street 2123 Slaughter Me Street 3Slaughter Me Street Evolutions
Retro series 123 Slaughter Me Street Retro123 Slaughter Me Street Retro 2123 Slaughter Me Street Super Retro
Non Canon Slaughter Me Street 1999